Our Assessment

Executive Summary
Executive Matrix

Based on ‘21 data from EUROSTAT, in Nov ‘20, nearly 3.2 Million people < 25 y/o were unemployed. Compared to Nov 19, youth unemployment increased by 456.000 units With 9.3 Million of people “not in employment, education or training”, the number of NEETs is on the rise: COVID-19 outbreak exacerbated the conditions of many young Europeans already facing the risk of socio-economic marginalisation with serious repercussions for their mental health and well-being (EUROFOUND, May ‘21) In this assessment, partners will:

  1. map what are the specific needs and challenges preventing NEETs from overcoming their situation of isolation/marginalisation from the world of education and/or labour market.
  2. consolidation of findings. The NEETs phenomenon is EU relevant, but in the words of EUROSTAT “there are significant structural differences among Member States”. While still taking into consideration of countryspecific trends, partners will focus on commonalities that emerge at EU level
  3. identify training and educations areas that can nurture and trigger NEET’s sense of initiative so as to motivate them in overcoming their condition of isolation.
  4. cross assessing the training dimension as identified by both frameworks to the most suitable needs.




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