SPECIAL Guidelines

Operational Guidelines
Policy Recommendations

Partners will produce a set of operational and theoretical guidelines to promote the uptake of project results and deliverables beyond the scope of the partnership and the scale of the project.

This document will mainstream and sustain project results after the end of the co-funding from Erasmus+, enabling other EU operators in the domain of training and education for NEETs to capitalise on partners experience, reuse and readapt project results in their operational context and implement SPECIAL-like initiatives and training programmes to trigger the same benefits encountered by partners.

This document will outline the operational lessons learned from the perspective of what worked and what could have been improved on the basis of the execution and deployment of the SPECIAL training, along the following elements:

  • organisation of the training
  • communication with target
  • groups and potential attendees
  • enrolment
  • classroom management
  • blended learning and online delivery
  • learners’ motivation and classroom management
  • learners’ feedback
  • suggestions on how to best deliver training in diverse operational settings




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